"And beauty will go savage in the secret mountains..."
- Robinson Jeffers
![[JPG Thumbnail Link to 26.5k JPG picture]](pics/Columbine1_sTHN.jpg)
Colorado Summits: Route Descriptions
Disclaimer - the following accounts merely describe what
I experienced when I was there and should probably not be used
as your sole source of information on climbing any of these
mountains, should you attempt to do so.
All the material indexed here is copyrighted and cannot be
reproduced for commercial purposes, except with written
permission. It would be nice if non-commercial users would
remember to include a citation.
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Summit Index
* - Denotes number of pictures, to give a rough idea of page
loading time.
[ Quickie Cool Photo Demo
Adams, Mt ****
Aetna, Mt ***
- Antero, Mt ***
Apostle, North *
- Belford, Mt *
- Bierstadt, Mt ***
Buckskin, Mt
- California Pk (attempt)
- Capitol Pk *
Casco Pk
- Challenger Pt (Kit Carson - West) ****
Clinton Pk
Columbia Pt (Kit Carson - East) ****
"Creede Crest" (UN 13,895)
- Crestone Needle (pictures only) ***
Crystal Pk **
- Elbert, Mt
Emerald Pk *
- Emery Pk **
- Evans, Mt **
Father Dyer **
Finger Mesa *
Fletcher Mtn ****
French Mtn
Fuller Pk ****
Garfield Pk
Golden Horn ****
- Grays Pk **
Grizzly Pk (S of Independence Pass)
- Guyot, Mt *
Half Pk ***
- Handies Pk **
- Helen, Mt ***
Hope, Mt
Horseshoe Mtn
- Humboldt Pk ***
Ice Mtn *
Iowa Pk *
Kit Carson - East (Columbia Pt) ****
- Kit Carson Pk ****
- Kit Carson - West (Challenger Pt) ****
Leviathan Pk ****
- Longs Pk
Matterhorn Pk **
Meeker, Mt
- Milwaukee Pk (attempt) ****
Missouri Pk *
North Apostle *
Oklahoma, Mt
Ouray, Mt *
Owen, Mt
- Oxford, Mt *
Pacific Pk **
Peak Six **
- Pikes Pk
Pole Creek Mtn *
- Princeton, Mt ***
- Quandary Pk **
Rio Grande Pyramid ***
- San Luis Pk **
- Shavano, Mt **
- Sheep Mtn ***
Sheridan, Mt
- Sherman, Mt *
Silverheels, Mt *
- Sneffels, Mt **
Spanish Peaks - West **
- Tabeguache, Mt *
- Teocalli Mtn **
Three-Corner Table (Half Pk) ***
Tijeras Pk ****
- Torreys Pk **
Traver Pk
- Uncompahgre Pk **
UN 13,895 ("Creede Crest")
UN 13,823 (Independence Pass)
Vermillion Pk ****
Vestal Pk *****
Wetterhorn Pk *****
West Spanish Peak **
White Dome ***
- Wilson Pk **
- Yale, Mt ***
[ CW's Mountain Universe ]
[ Steve Parker's
Collection of Colorado Climbing Trip Reports ]

The Jeffers verse is from "The Broken Balance" in The
Double Axe.
Your email requests, comments, suggestions, bug reports,
questions, misc. reflections, etc. are always welcome...
Be sure to write with your crucial questions more than just a couple
of hours before you're planning on leaving for the trailhead! You'd
be surprised what percentage of mail like that I get... sometimes
it's upwards of a week between visits to my inbox, so I can only
rarely provide such semi-realtime advice.
Especially write me if you've done, or might like to team up to do,
some of the Centennials. I'd eventually like to work up to things
like Teakettle, Mt Wilson, the Crestones, etc. Two of my dream trips
at this point consist of 1) going back in to the Needles to do Jagged;
2) taking Little Bear by the direct route on the NW face -- followed,
of course, by the Little Bear - Blanca Ridge. (Ok, so it's not the
Ellingwood Arete, but it's some tough climbing none-the-less...)
I'd also like to hear from you if do any of these summits by the same
route I followed.

Chris Wetherill
Via Contact Form
And thanks for visiting.

[ CW's Mountain Universe ]
Last modified: 4 May 2003